Due to Covid, the federal government greatly expanded unemployment. We included the federal guidance, as well as state-specific guidance for NY.
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Guide How to Submit ID – NY
One of the most common reasons for stalled Unemployment payments is that the DOL needs to verify identity. Here is a guide on how to verify your identity by sending ID documents.
Becoming Eligible vs Staying Eligible – NY Unemployment
Many people have asked about the difference between becoming eligible for Unemployment and staying eligible in order to get Unemployment payments. Hopefully, this post will clarify any confusion.
Unemployment and Withholding Taxes
This article explains how taxes affect your Unemployment payments.
Calling the Department of Labor – Certifying Missing Weeks
If you tried to certify back weeks by sending a message and did not receive a response, consider calling today.
Effective Days Down to Zero & Benefit Year Ending
If your “Effective Days Remaining” is nearing zero, don’t worry! You most likely will continue receiving Unemployment payments.
Certifying Lost Wages Assistance ($1,800) – NY
All eligible people should receive six weeks of LWA. At $300 a week, that’s $1,800 before taxes.
Most will get it automatically. Some need to certify first.
Guide How to Get Missing Unemployment Payments – NY
Guide on how to check if you received all eligible payments and how to claim any missing payments.
Don’t Lose Out on $900 (or more) in Lost Wages Assistance
There is a good reason to apply and certify now. Don’t push it off or you risk losing $900 or more.
Received a Letter that You are Not Eligible for Unemployment? Don’t Worry!
Reader Question: I started receiving unemployment but now I received a letter stating that I am not eligible due to not having earned enough wages. Please help!
School Teachers and Unemployment
Reader Question: I work for a school and now finished the school year. Am I eligible for unemployment during the summer?
Am I on PUA or Regular Unemployment?
Reader Question: How do I know if I am on regular unemployment or PUA?