Guide How to Submit ID – NY
One of the most common reasons for stalled Unemployment payments is that the DOL needs to verify identity. Here is a guide on how to verify your identity by sending ID documents.
One of the most common reasons for stalled Unemployment payments is that the DOL needs to verify identity. Here is a guide on how to verify your identity by sending ID documents.
Did you apply for Unemployment but are not receiving the money that you are meant to be receiving? This guide is for you.
This article explains how taxes affect your Unemployment payments.
If your “Effective Days Remaining” is nearing zero, don’t worry! You most likely will continue receiving Unemployment payments.
Guide on how to check if you received all eligible payments and how to claim any missing payments.
There is a good reason to apply and certify now. Don’t push it off or you risk losing $900 or more.
Many self-employed people from New York have asked about a letter they received in the mail from the Department of Labor.
Reader Question: If unemployment payments make me no longer income-eligible, am I meant to go off Medicaid? And if I stay on Medicaid, will I have to pay for it?
Reader Question: I started receiving unemployment but now I received a letter stating that I am not eligible due to not having earned enough wages. Please help!
Reader Question: I am receiving unemployment benefits and I think I should be getting more than what the DOL is currently giving me. What are my options?